Oral Care

why you should consider natural mouthwash

The Risks of Over-the-Counter Mouthwash: Is It ...

While over-the-counter mouthwash promises to kill germs and freshen breath, it may be doing more harm than good. Discover the potential risks, including dry mouth, disruption of the oral microbiome,...

The Risks of Over-the-Counter Mouthwash: Is It ...

While over-the-counter mouthwash promises to kill germs and freshen breath, it may be doing more harm than good. Discover the potential risks, including dry mouth, disruption of the oral microbiome,...

Toothpaste with Artificial Colors and Flavors

Why You Should Avoid Toothpaste with Artificial...

Artificial colors and flavors in toothpaste may make it look and taste appealing, but they come with potential health risks. Discover why you should avoid these additives and opt for...

Why You Should Avoid Toothpaste with Artificial...

Artificial colors and flavors in toothpaste may make it look and taste appealing, but they come with potential health risks. Discover why you should avoid these additives and opt for...

Avoid fluoride toothpaste

The Hidden Dangers of Fluoride: What They Don’t...

Fluoride has long been hailed as a dental health hero, but emerging research paints a different picture. Discover the hidden dangers of fluoride, from lowering children's IQ and disrupting the...

The Hidden Dangers of Fluoride: What They Don’t...

Fluoride has long been hailed as a dental health hero, but emerging research paints a different picture. Discover the hidden dangers of fluoride, from lowering children's IQ and disrupting the...

Miswak Stick

Miswak Stick: An Ancient Tool for Modern Oral Care

Discover the ancient art of using miswak sticks for oral care, their benefits, and how Toothpow is committed to reducing microplastics with sustainable alternatives like bamboo and castor oil-derived bristles.

Miswak Stick: An Ancient Tool for Modern Oral Care

Discover the ancient art of using miswak sticks for oral care, their benefits, and how Toothpow is committed to reducing microplastics with sustainable alternatives like bamboo and castor oil-derived bristles.

microplastics in toothbrush

Are Microplastics a Concern with Our Toothbrush...

Toothpow is dedicated to reducing microplastic pollution by using bamboo handles and castor oil-derived bristles in their toothbrushes. Discover the challenges and alternatives in the quest for sustainable oral care.

Are Microplastics a Concern with Our Toothbrush...

Toothpow is dedicated to reducing microplastic pollution by using bamboo handles and castor oil-derived bristles in their toothbrushes. Discover the challenges and alternatives in the quest for sustainable oral care.

Risewell Lawsuit

The RiseWell Lawsuit: A Lesson in Transparency ...

RiseWell LLC faces a class action lawsuit alleging that its children's toothpaste, marketed as 'natural' and 'chemical-free,' contains harmful PFAS chemicals. This case underscores the importance of transparency and honesty...

The RiseWell Lawsuit: A Lesson in Transparency ...

RiseWell LLC faces a class action lawsuit alleging that its children's toothpaste, marketed as 'natural' and 'chemical-free,' contains harmful PFAS chemicals. This case underscores the importance of transparency and honesty...